Getting young children and their families ready for school and ready for life

About HeadStart

The Office of Head Start (OHS) helps young children from low-income families prepare to succeed in school through local programs. Head Start and Early Head Start programs promote children’s development through services that support early learning, health, and family well-being.

Head Start Vision Statement

The vision of Allen Action Agency, Inc. Head Start and Community is that the children become actively engaged with each other in academic and social interactions. We believe this can be accomplished through continuous efforts to collaborate and learn from one another.

Head Start Mission Statement

Allen Action Agency, Inc. Head Start Program believes that all children can achieve at their appropriate developmental level by teaching children positive growth in Social and Emotional behavior and attitudes.

Head Start Participant Online Application

Income Guidelines

Income guidelines since 1982 for the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia can be calculated by addition using the figures shown below. (This simple calculation procedure gives correct guideline figures for each year, but it is not identical to the procedure by which the income guidelines are calculated from the icome thresholds each year; see an example calculation.) Before 1982, the income guidelines were issued by the Office of Economic Opportunity/Community Services Administration.

Our Passionate People

Kinder Head Start

1409 Carver Ave, Kinder, LA 70648

Oberlin Head Start

116 N. First Street, Oberlin, LA 70655

Oakdale Head Start

820 Hwy 372, Oakdale, LA 71463

Central Office

8838 Hwy 165
Oberlin, LA 70655
Ph: 337.362.9931

Main Office (Head Start)

505 W. 7th Ave
Oberlin, LA 70655
Ph: 337.362.9932

Lyndon Livingston

Executive Head Start Director

Bobbie wilson

Barbara lavan

Education/Disability Manager

Vickie Tunwar

Liheap/EO Officer/PFCE/Mental Health/Fiscal Clerk

Latissia fredericks

Data Specialist/ERSEA Manager

cheryl lantron

Health & Safety/Mentor Coach

chenita kirklin


shane warren


Roxy Prudhomme

Meredith Granger

Executive Secretary

Qualifications for the Program

Head Start programs promote the school readiness of children ages birth to 5 from low-income families by supporting their development in a comprehensive way.

Documentation Needed to Complete the Application Process

Completed Head Start Application
Child’s Birth Certificate
Child’s Social Security Card
Child’s Immunization Record
Proof of Income (W2, Tax Documents, 2 consecutive check stubs)
Medical Insurance Card
Medical and Dental Home
Legal Documents (if applicable)

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